Weebly Site


In our quest to connect individuals and families in need with the resources and services to achieve success and gain independence, we provide an informal social setting to respond to basic needs and offer programming as well. We strive to provide the following:

·         Providing for basic needs. We provide a safe place where individuals and family can take shelter from the cold weather in the winter and a cool place in the summer. When resources permit, we provide meals to accommodate clients that may lack the money, facilities or skills to prepare food, or they live along and are not motivated to cook. Our centre maintains an environment that is safe, with staff that are responsive to personal health and well-being.

 ·         Creating opportunities for social contact.We work to eliminate social exclusion and isolation. Our hope is to foster a reciprocal dialogue with the community to address the root causes of social problems and their underlying issues at a greater extent.

Our centre has a common room where meals or snacks can be eaten and clients can socialize. We have taken into consideration that clients may not feel welcome or comfortable in “traditional” community centres and setting like ours more accessible. To alleviate weak informal social networks and little or no contact with relatives, and our centre can provide a relaxed social setting in which people can make new friends. Many housed clients are formerly homeless and are currently only precariously housed. For them, having access to a supportive community may help them stabilize and stay housed.
·         Giving support for well-being. In providing support for clients’ wellbeing, BabsCCS strive to fill the gap in the provision of community support services for vulnerable people, though this role is not adequately recognized and is often constrained by insufficient resources and staff. Our centre strives to maintain on-site medical services and resources to instantly relieve individuals and families of what they need.

We support clients’ well-being in different ways, corresponding to our organizational mission, staffing capacity, and financial resources. Our centre help with housing, debt problems, rent arrears, physical and mental health concerns, social assistance issues, and substance use problems. We offer individualized case work and more informal emotional support to individuals who find it hard to cope with everyday stresses and adverse events.

Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to being part of a positive, lasting change to the lives of our clients and to the vibrancy of the community. When resources permit, we provide comprehensive support to all clients, starting from their initial walk-in in the centre and onwards.
·         Providing the opportunity for change. Our programs help individuals build skills, motivation, confidence and self-esteem so that they can rebuild their lives, sustain housing (if they have it) and independence. Life skills training, meaningful activities and education are offered. We encourage those who are trapped in a cycle of “no home, therefore no job, therefore no home” to get out and motivate them towards building confidence and positive outlook.

Our life skills training classes and community kitchen programs accommodate those who are seeking help and skills in these areas. Some people have always lived with others until they became homeless and have never been responsible for daily living tasks such as cooking and budgeting. While in hostels or on the streets many people do not have the opportunity to practice these skills, so difficulties may only become apparent when a person is housed and has to manage alone.

By working in partnerships with community agencies across Ontario, Babs Centre and Community Services are connecting individuals and families with the resources and services they need for success.